Ascension of Higher Power
Many of you have experienced your Ascension within the last 48 hours; it can be recognized in many ways, some of which are listed below. If you experienced your Ascension over the last 48 hours you will have some inner knowing of it and will be able to relate to, many of the signs below. For those who did not experience this Ascension don’t be concerned it is coming and when you do, you may or may not have a similar experience as those who have just received their Ascension in the last 48 hours, depending on where you are at on your soul’s journey. Whether you did or did not received your Ascension, in no way defines you; it simply is what it is.
Signs: Of your Ascension within the last 48 hours.
A desire to rest; sleep, meditate or relax and when you did you may have experienced an unfamiliar yet loving energy and or presence. You may have experienced the presence of Divine Beings and or an Extra-terrestrial presence.
There has been a shift in your body, mind, and spirit; a new awareness is coming to light…
BODY – Changes within your physical body, in body shape and appearance. You experience some health improvements and changes to your bodily fluids, colour, frequency etc. When you look in the mirror you notice something is different, feeling different within yourself, you may or may not be able to put your finger on it, but you notice a change. You are experiencing sharp pains, twinges, and unusual sensations. You have a strong desire to improve your health and wellbeing more so than ever before, with an inner knowing that it is now something you must do, without hesitation.
MIND – Your thoughts have shifted to a new spiritual awareness and are becoming completely emotionally detached from the negatives in your world. You now know that your heart’s desirers, without a doubt; are not only possible but coming into fruition. You have a strong desire to LIVE… and to live in the new energies of the New Earth.
SPIRIT – Your spirit feels more present to you; your spiritual knowledge is flowing more freely and may be shifting direction. You are experiencing a sense of “Purity of heart.”
Your senses are sharper.
A sense that the old ways are no longer valid; there is new knowledge and awareness coming through for our planet and the entire Universe and you are now open to accept change.
An inner knowing that all you have known up until now has only been to get you to this point and you have now entered into a new and more rewarding contract.
An inner knowing that, “It must be done right” for a successful outcome.
You will now be drawn to higher vibrational beings; smaller energies will now begin to move on from your circle, accept this process with ease. The smallness of fear, insecurity, misguidance and missed placed energy, leading to the expression of negative emotions via thoughts, spoken words, and actions will now come to light as an interpretation not of your own and by following your own experience and inner light you will be guided on the right path for your Highest Good.
The purpose of this outline is to bring clarification to those of you, who have experienced your Ascension and sense the change, yet haven’t quite been able to bring your personal experience into a clear light, the Universe wishes you to be fully aware of this process as there are some proportional changes coming that need your willingness and assistance to ensure a successful deliverance and outcome. So take time now to connect the dots for yourself in preparation for the next part of your journey, finding clarification, direction, and peace of mind; wait patiently for guidance, with the understanding that everything happens by Divine Guidance… within Divine Timing and now more than ever by Divine Law.
While collaboration is healthy in the right manner and timing, now is the time to look within and follow your inner light, following others right now will only lead you off your true path. Trust in this process and you will benefit greatly from this practice in the future. Please remember that there is no rush, take your time and follow your inner voice every step of the way, your heart will lead you to the How, where, when, why and who of your future experiences.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X
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