We have reached the end of 2014 Woo Hoo!
Christmas and all the personal challenges it sometimes brings with it has come and gone, as we enter into 2015 I have been reflecting on the effects of actively living my truth at this time, something most of us are not accustom to, we all talk the talk, but don’t always walk the walk and 2015 is shaping up to bring us into alignment with actively living our truth without fear. In doing so, we begin to step out of our comfort zones and offer profoundly more authenticity, more truth, more love and more of our inner light, facing any challenges from an entirely new perspective.
Over the last few months I have really stepped into this way of being, more so than ever before, in doing so it has on occasions presented confusion and misunderstanding for those around me and who I associate with, as one would expect, since it isn’t the norm for me, it isn’t the norm for anyone around me either , since most of us are all on different levels of awareness and our planet is experiencing profound transformational shifts of evolutionary proportions, some are understandably struggling to adjust or understand the difference between the old way and the new way of existing energies, like everything it takes time to come into full awareness.
I am finding that with a few self-truths intact, I am moving through this time with more and more ease, regardless of the misunderstandings and dis-harmony others feel due to my new found way of being. Not unlike stepping into your own in some way, like discovering your own worth… often in doing so we step on the toes of those less aware of the process within themselves.
First and foremost I am taking care of me and my needs towards optimal health and wellbeing, in mind, body, and spirit, without that everything else is so much harder, a balanced life is the key. As long as I/we keep making the effort in a forward motion to improve ourselves and our lives daily, we increasingly become closer to our personal and universal goals for health, peace, balance, harmony and happiness, this continuously opens and expands the channels to greater knowledge, understanding and wisdom from source.
Knowing my truth and trusting the Universe without a doubt… without fear of expression, judgement or rejection, delivered with love and light in heart… challenging myself and others to step into their own and into the new ways of our planet through my own call to service and guidance has become more of a priority than ever before… actively living my truth, this has been a learning curve, that’s for sure… one’s own truth from within the heart is always of a pure divine source, offering the truth of all matter, but to those existing from conditioned experiences, truth often looks like hate, dividing us all from the pure heart centre within each and every living thing.
Expressing ones truth is not always easy, but staying true to self and to Universal Guidance has brought me to my truth and to my call to service and to this very point, challenging and guide others to understand and merge with the new world energies and its way of existence… not an easy job at all given all the confusion, frustration and lack of truth in the world. Sometimes I wonder why couldn’t my role in the expansion of truth and evolution be an easier part to play, in truth it goes something like this. Dear Universe, perhaps after the transition and shift of consciousness has kicked into mainstream awareness, I could take on a roll less challenging… but no, that would be too easy… lol. The truth is I know within every cell of my being that the Universe has been preparing me for this moment in time, my entire life and I have what it takes to fulfil my purpose, as do you, even if we stumble every now and then, perfection was never a part of the plan, from my side nor from the other and it certainly isn’t a part of yours either side.
These are difficult times as we are shifting consciousness into the new world energies yet somewhat still attached to the old world energies. The new world consciousness is in all of its true essence… the reverse of the old world consciousness, the opposite of all we thought to be true on earth. It is no easy task to shift an entire world’s perceived way of being to an opposing one, something mankind could never achieve without the assistance of Divine intervention.
If you haven’t realized it yet, the old way failed us because we failed it, the old world energies failed us because we failed them, all consequently part of a grander plan. Luckily due to the conscious shift of mankind toward more peace, love and harmony, mankind created the Universal shift towards oneness, putting an end to the old world and all ego on earth and birthing the new world or new dawn, offering an entirely new and different way of existence for all life on earth, through complete truth in love and light.
Remember no matter where you are at on this journey, we are all in this together , we are all one and acceptance of each other and our individual journey is that we will move through this time with more easy.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X
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